5 Perks of Opting for Aluminium Windows and Doors

aluminium windows and doors

The Aluminium Door and Window Manufacturing in Australia is a $5 billion industry that only continues to grow. In fact, according to IBIS World, it has grown 2.9% annually through 2011-2016. So, it’s only fair to say that many Perth residents have already taken advantage of the perks that they offer.

I’ve been the purchasing head at Ross’s Discount Home Centre for several years now. Needless to say, I know quite a lot about aluminium windows and doors and why they are so popular in Perth. In this article, I will list 5 of the benefits of opting for aluminium windows and doors and why you should look to take advantage of these.

1. Low maintenance

Many of our customers seek quality aluminium windows and doors in Perth because of their high durability and ease of maintenance. Aluminium is lightweight, robust and corrosion-resistant. Moreover, it is also resistant to harsh environmental conditions. Given that they do not swell, warp, crack or split over time, they can be used over extended periods of time without any maintenance worries.

2. Affordable

Ross’s is well known for offering great value for money, so it’s no surprise that our customers prefer aluminium windows and doors. You’ll find that aluminium frames are significantly cheaper than other framing options for doors and windows. While aluminium starts off as an economical option, it also requires low maintenance and is significantly stronger than wood or PVC. Even over time, aluminium windows and doors prove to be much more cost-effective than other options.

3. Security

I’ve already mentioned that aluminium frames for windows and doors are much stronger than PVC or wood. To be more specific, aluminium is 4.3 times stronger than wood and three times stronger than PVC. This added frame strength means that aluminium doors and windows offer far better security than other types of frames. When used with toughened or tamper-proof glass, doors and windows that feature an aluminium frame can turn your home into a fortress without you having to sacrifice looks. No wonder our sliding aluminium windows and doors in Perth are so popular.

4. High thermal performance

Our more knowledgeable customers choose aluminium framed windows and doors because of the high thermal performance. As compared to PVC or timber, aluminium windows and doors offer better thermal as well as sound insulation which meets modern-day building requirements. High-performance aluminium frames usually exceed the standards in energy efficiency and can reduce heat gain/loss through windows and doors by over 60%.

5. Flexible designs

Lastly, aluminium windows and doors offer great design flexibility, and this certainly doesn’t go unnoticed by our more savvy customers in Perth. Aluminium exhibits excellent strength and flexibility and can be custom-manufactured to almost any specification. Pair aluminium frames with glasses and different finishes and designs are limited only by your imagination! Powder-coated aluminium and anodised aluminium are two of the most common finish options, which offer a range of colours for you to choose from.

Here, at Ross’s, we have a range of sliding doors and windows which are made of aluminium frames. Our high-quality products are available at discounted prices as well. Should you be looking for quality aluminium windows and doors in Perth, you should definitely drop by our showroom or take a look at our online store.


For high-quality doors and windows at an affordable price, you should definitely consider aluminium as the frame material. Windows and doors with aluminium frames offer many advantages over other frame materials. Aluminium frames require less maintenance; they are highly affordable, offer better security, offer high thermal performance and are available in a range of flexible designs for you to choose from. No wonder that so many people choose aluminium frames over other materials.

For high-quality aluminium windows and doors in Perth, visit our showroom at Ross’s Discount Home Centre or take a look at our products online. We offer the best quality products at prices that are easy on your wallet. If you have any queries or doubts regarding our aluminium windows and doors, feel free to give us a call. We’ll put you through to our knowledgeable salesmen, who will gladly help you out in every way possible.

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