Choosing the Right Toilet Is Vital!


When it comes to purchasing a new toilet, there are more than a few things you should consider. Your new toilet suite must match your bathroom’s overall look and aesthetics. Also, your toilet should be water efficient and functional as well.

While many consider these factors, most people do not consider the time they spend on the toilet. According to a recent study, people spend more time sitting on the toilet each week than exercising. So, for comfort alone, the toilet you choose does matter. Not only that, your toilet choice will also impact your water bill and the overall aesthetics of your bathroom.

As the head of purchasing at Ross’s Discount Home Centre, I have years of experience dealing with toilets in Perth. It’s fair to say that I know everything there is to know about them. And, to help you make the right choice, here’s a simple guide to selecting a toilet. When you’re done reading this article, you’ll know what to look for when choosing toilets in Perth.

Toilet style

The first thing to look for when choosing a toilet is the style of the toilet. Modern toilets are available in various styles, including close-coupled, back-to-wall, wall-faced, rimless, and wall-hung toilets. You’ll find thousands of toilets across all these styles in the market.

Now, the style of toilet you choose should tie in with the overall aesthetics of your space. If you don’t have enough space in your bathroom, choose a wall-hung toilet suite to save space. On the other hand, if space is not a concern, you can consider close-coupled toilets or any of the larger styles. The shape of your toilet will also determine if it ties in with your bathroom aesthetics or not. Elongated toilet bowls look more stylish than round bowls but also increase a toilet’s size.

Whatever style and shape of toilet you choose, you must tie it in with the aesthetics of your space. There’s no point in going for something high-end or too large if it looks out of place in your toilet.


Given that we spend so much time on the toilet, you must consider comfort when choosing a toilet seat. The shape of a toilet bowl plays a big role in how comfortable a toilet is.

Toilet bowls are usually available in round and elongated shapes. Most people tend to agree that elongated toilet bowls are much more comfortable as compared to round bowls. This is because elongated bowls offer more seating space as per the body.

While you must give comfort a preference, do remember that comfort comes with a price. In most cases, elongated toilet bowls will be more expensive as compared to round toilet bowls. So, make sure to keep your budget in mind when you’re out shopping for toilets in Perth.

Water Efficiency

Water efficiency is another crucial factor when looking for toilets in Perth. Toilets account for 1/3rd of the total water consumption in your household. So, it is very important to choose a toilet that is as water-efficient as possible.

In Australia, every toilet has a WELS rating ranging from 1-5 to indicate water efficiency. Before purchasing, check the WELS rating of the toilet suite you’re considering.

Amazing toilets for you to consider

Now that you know what to look for when choosing toilets in Perth, you’re ready to go ahead and make a purchase. At Ross’s Discount Home Centre, we offer an extensive selection of toilet suites. Of our range, take a look at our Everest Toilet Suite and our Cube Wall Faced Toilet Suite. Whether it is the comfort, style or water efficiency, you simply cannot beat these toilet suites. No wonder they’re top selling products at our store and you can trust that you won’t go wrong in choosing either of them.


When it comes to choosing toilets in Perth, there are more than a few things you need to consider. The style of your new toilet should tie in with the overall aesthetics of your bathroom. Given that we spend a lot of time sitting on toilets, your new toilet should also be comfortable. Finally, you should choose a toilet that is water efficient so that you don’t rack up your water bill unnecessarily.

And, for the best toilets in Perth, look no further than Ross’s Discount Home Centre. Drop by our showroom in Guildford or browse our online store to view our range of toilets in Perth today!

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