Washing machines

dryers whitegoods

Front Loader vs. Top Loader. Which Washing Machine Is for You?

Are you renovating your laundry? Take advantage of Ross’s Discount Home Centre’s cost-effective laundry sinks and troughs, laundry cabinets, and tapware range. We have everything you need to complete a full laundry renovation or makeover under one roof and from the one online store – even the latest range of tending tiles! Of all the white goods, washing machines…

Washing Machine

How to Choose the Right Size Washing Machine

Washing machines are available in a range of sizes or load capacities today. While the typical washing machine has a capacity of 7.5kg, many people think this is not enough, especially for those with growing families. While others won’t even do a load of washing that large. Truth be told, according to the buying guide…

home appliances

6 Absolute Must-Have Home Appliances

Imagine tackling daily chores without the help of essential home appliances. From simplifying meal prep to keeping the house comfortable, modern appliances have become the backbone of efficient, enjoyable living. Here at Ross’s Discount Home Centre, we know firsthand how the right appliances can transform the rhythm of daily life. After all, choosing quality appliances…

laundry appliances

How to clean laundry appliances

If there’s one sure way of increasing the efficiency of your laundry appliances, it’s by cleaning and maintaining them. Sure, you may have purchased energy-efficient appliances. But, unless you clean and maintain them regularly, the efficiency of your appliances will inevitably go down. Not only will you incur more costs, but you’ll also spend more…

Washing Machine

6 Sneaky Solutions for Hiding Washing Machines

No doubt you own a washing machine, and you put it to good use. But, if you’re like most Perth homeowners, you don’t want to make your washing machine a feature of your house. Newer homes of today are built with a separate laundry to conceal their washing machine, but many older homes have external…

white goods

How to increase the energy efficiency of your white goods

I’m sure you own several white goods and home appliances. While you may be happy with the performance of your white goods, they are no doubt consuming a lot of energy. If your electricity bills are on the higher side, it’s probably because of the white goods that you own. While the ABS reports that…

home appliances

Tips to Extend the Life of Your Home Appliances

Home appliances are items that I’m sure everyone has bought at least once in their life. Even if you hate shopping, you cannot escape the need to purchase home appliances. But unfortunately, like most things, home appliances have a lifespan. Once they no longer function, you’re forced to go out again and purchase a replacement….

Washing Machines

6 Money Saving Tips for Buying Washing Machines in Perth

When it comes to shopping for washing machines in Perth, there is certainly no shortage of models and makes to choose from. If you’re anything like me, then you’ll want to speak to a sales assistant for advice in helping you decide which washing machine is best for your needs. However, given that their job…

washing machine

6 Things To Consider When Shopping for Laundry Appliances

Let’s face it, spending the weekend at a laundromat is a boring and expensive process – and quite frankly, I couldn’t think of a worse way to spend my time. If you also value your weekends, then I’m sure you’ll agree with me when I say that laundry appliances are one of today’s necessities. While…

appliance gude

A No-fuss Appliance Buying Guide

Buying home appliances can be exciting, but it also needs to be given a good amount of consideration. While you certainly need to pay attention to your budget, you must also consider your personal requirements and carefully look at ratings and specifications before making a purchase. Fortunately, I’m here to help you out with this,…

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